Negative Code #1 The Red Camera Code #4


In the heart of a labyrinthine chase, I found myself at the crossroads where the dirt road surrendered to the unforgiving embrace of concrete. Ahead, an ominous entrance beckoned—a dark maw leading to an underground tunnel. Its walls bore markings reminiscent of the masks worn by the relentless pursuers, the Warriors.

With the realization that this might be my final stand, I steeled myself and plunged into the unknown depths, my only refuge lying within the belly of the beast itself.

Suddenly, the silence shattered as blow darts whizzed past, forcing me to duck, roll, and stumble through a deadly obstacle course. Desperation lent me agility as I narrowly evaded a spiked door, its sharp edges tearing at my clothes. With the Warriors closing in, I summoned every ounce of strength to break free, narrowly dodging a spear aimed at my heart.

Scrambling to my feet, I seized a rock and jammed it into the gears, sealing the Warriors behind the spiked barrier and securing my fleeting freedom. But victory was short-lived as my gaze fell upon a gruesome sight—a severed hand clutching the coveted canister, its contents vital to my survival.

With determination overriding revulsion, I pried the canister from the lifeless grip, all the while dodging the frenzied attacks of the Warriors. Bullets of sweat and fear dripped down my brow as I sprint down the corridor. Crash i spear head the back of a vehicle. the cones of my eyes start to resolve a random golf cart. I hope in, keys in the ignition. Feeling like the Gods have saved me I smash the gas peddle. But then immediately hitting the breaks. Where am i going. i look down at the Riddle to read.


I found the message in the film cannister. The cryptic message spells out a riddle which reads.

Towering above, my presence is grand, A ruler's domain, where strength commands. In tales of old or legends new, I am the embodiment of might and view.

What is it?


If you think its Castle

If you think its a King Kong