Negative Code #1 The Red Camera Code #7

Emerging from the tunnel, I find myself at the front of a ride, dwarfed by a gorilla towering above, its eyes seemingly fixed on me. A shiver runs down my spine as I scan the surroundings, searching for a clue to this surreal scene. But as I turn, I realize I'm the center of attention; faces of onlookers bore into me, their gaze unsettling.

Suddenly, people start emerging from shops, converging on me with purposeful strides. They appear ordinary, yet each clutches a Super 8 film camera, mirroring the eerie mannequins from before. Are they part of some macabre film cult, or is my mind playing tricks? As they encircle me, three ethereal figures step forward, each offering a film camera. One in red, one in white, and one in an antique floral dress. A choice looms before me, but their silence offers no guidance.

Amidst the confusion, a DJ and dance troupe provide a distraction, diverting the attention of theme park guests. With no clear escape, I'm left with a daunting decision: resist or comply with their enigmatic ritual. Drawing on instinct, I choose the camera offered by the girl in the floral dress, her silent gesture pointing me towards the camera's door. I slowly turn the knob and the latch clicks revealing uncovering next riddle amidst the mysterious contents within.


  Life is a serene scene that opens to a grand foray, yet your gaze captures moments that only drift away. you race the sun to capture life and its power, and when you have in your grasp its the golden hour

What is it?

If you think its a Flower

If you think its a Camera