Negative Code #1 The Red Camera Code #2

The previous riddle answer gave me Geo Coordinates to a strange location.  At an eerie back lot of the convenience store, the excitement of solving the cryptic riddle turned quickly into apprehension as i heard gun shots in the distance.

I noticed something odd in front of the dumpsters, my eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. Coast clear.  I checked my watch at the day of year because valentines day wasn't anywhere near.  Yet three Valentine's Day balloons sat there with their cheerful colors starkly contrasting with the grim surroundings. My curiosity piqued, I moved closer, and as I examined the balloons, there wedged between them was a film canister!

With trembling hands, I pried open the canister and extracted a slip of paper, upon which was another enigmatic riddle. Before I could fully process its contents, the sound of gravel shifting behind me caused my heart to skip a beat. I whirled around just in time to see three masked figures emerging from the shadows, each brandishing a menacing firearm.

In an instant, I found myself pinned against the cold metal of the dumpster, the rough hands of the assailants pressing into my shoulders. One of them ripped the riddle from my grasp and demanded the answer with a threatening growl.

I found the message in the film cannister. The cryptic message spells out a riddle which reads.

In depths profound, I wander and glide, A shadow cast where secrets hide. With eyes of black and no sound to scream, In the realm of nightmares, I reign supreme.

What is it?

If you think its Darkness

If you think its a Shark